Be Natural

Preserving the Earth for Future Generations with GWT

Building a Better World: Global Watch Trust's Efforts in Ecology, Education, and Women's Empowerment


Happy Faces


Global Watche Trust

Global Watche Trust is sponsoring 31 children ( 4 boys including a physically challenged one and 27 girls ) who are either completely or partially orphans. Each and every child in our home has had a terrible past. These children were from various remote villages of Tiruvannamalai.

Our Mission

  • Our mission is to empower individuals through Children education,  and promote women's empowerment, fostering self-sufficiency.

Our Vision

  • Our vision is education based, allowing us to empower individuals to help themselves.
Our commitment to children's education and women's empowerment is complemented by our dedication to preserving and restoring ecological balance.
Dr.Sathyan Gopalan
Founder of GWT
At Global Watche Trust we are open and always ready to provide support to several causes for the benefit of our community at large. We emphasize awareness, community support and self-help which is ultimately the best help, through the empowerment of individuals and communities. 


Leading the Charge for a Greener Future

Environmental Awareness

We are working towards a plastic free Arunachala by planting trees. cleaning up the holy hill of waste and pollution. In addition, giving samples through our nursery.

Children Awareness

Providing orphan children with a home and a family. Sponsoring the studies of underprivileged children. Giving women training and a dignifying job.

Educational Awareness

Technical training programs, road safety and health camps. Summer camps for children. Sport academy, Health education and more.

Protecting Ecology

The goal of ecology is to understand how organisms interact with each other and their environment

Educating Children on Environmental Responsibility


Women Empowerment


Children Education


Health Education Camp


Road Safety Awareness
Our goal towards better future
Milestones 86%

GWT's Latest Projects

GWT Gallery

Global Watche Trust is sponsoring 31 children ( 4 boys including a physically challenged one and 27 girls ) who are either completely or partially orphans. Each and every child in our home has had a terrible past. These children were from various remote villages of Tiruvannamalai.

Helping people to help themselves.

WATCHe stands for Women Awareness Training and Children education

Please note : The acronym “WATCHe” is sometimes referred as “WATCH” without the last letter “e” .



  • Global Watche Trust is supporting students who are very much interested in studies but their parents are unable to provide school fees for them.
  • The sponsored children attend the middle school named “Deepa Matriculation School” which is located at Kilnathur road, Tiruvannamalai. It is an English medium school educating more than 300 children.


Change begins with awareness, enabling us to make conscious choices.


With a strong focus on environmental awareness, animal wellbeing and health.

Self Help

Empowering individuals to help themselves and the community they live in.

Founder of GWT

Global Watche Trust was founded by Mr. Sathyan VS, Mr. Thirunavukarasu and other successful businessmen in Tiruvannamalai.

"As the founder of Global Watch Trust, I am deeply committed to providing orphaned children with a home and a family. Seeing the smiles on their faces as they receive quality education and care motivates me every day. Together, we are creating a brighter future for all."

Dr.Sathyan Gopalan

"Being the co-founder of Global Watch Trust has allowed me to witness the transformative power of education and support. By sponsoring the studies of underprivileged children and offering women meaningful employment, we are changing lives. I am proud to be part of this journey of empowerment and collaboration."

Mrs.Emiley Rose Gwaltney

Co - Founder
"At Global Watch Trust, I am honored to contribute to our mission of empowering underprivileged communities through education and sustainable initiatives.Through environmental projects like tree planting and waste management, we strive to create a healthier environment for future generations. I am committed to fostering collaboration and driving positive change at GWT, where every effort counts towards building a brighter and more inclusive society."

Mr.Saran Purushothaman

"As the Director of Global Watch Trust, I am passionate about our environmental initiatives. Our efforts to make Arunachala plastic-free and to plant trees are crucial for a sustainable future. Organizing educational camps and health programs for children and communities is incredibly fulfilling. Through our collective actions, we are making a significant impact on both the environment and society."


"Mr.Satya is an absolute maestro when it comes to preparing continental cuisine. Her culinary skills are nothing short of exceptional, delivering dishes that are not only delicious but also beautifully presented. I've had the pleasure of experiencing her creations firsthand, and each bite is a testament to her mastery of flavors and techniques.



our blogs

Let’s checkout our all latest news

Charity: A Blessing for Both Giver and Receiver

Charity: A Blessing for Both Giver and Receiver

Charity is more than just giving money; it’s about making a positive difference in someone’s life. For the receiver, charity can mean access to essential resources such as food, shelter, healthcare, and education. It provides opportunities to escape the cycle of poverty and fosters hope for a brighter future.

Charity: Acts of Kindness with Lasting Impact

Charity is more than just giving money; it’s about making a positive difference in someone’s life. For the receiver, charity can mean access to essential resources such as food, shelter, healthcare, and education. It provides opportunities to escape the cycle of poverty and fosters hope for a brighter future.

My Journey as a Dietitian at GWT Children Home

In my role as a counselor, I interacted with the children, listened to their concerns, and provided guidance to assist them in their studies, boost their confidence, and lead normal lives.

Charity-An Overlook & Women Empowerment

The global economy is losing out on at least $7 trillion of economic gains each year due to a failure to reach gender parity in the workforce. Donating to charities focused on empowering women and girls is not just a matter of social justice; it’s also a strategic investment in a more equitable, prosperous, and sustainable world for all.



