About Us

silentsage.co > About Us


Eco Champions in Action!"

Global watch trust is making a tangible difference in the communities and beyond. Through our tireless efforts, we plant trees, cleane up the holy hill, and advocate for sustainable practices. We are the heartbeat of our Green movement, demonstrating that small actions can lead to significant environmental change. By volunteering our time and energy, we inspire others to join the cause and work towards a healthier, greener planet. Together, we can create a sustainable future for generations to come. 


What's next?

Every small step counts towards a healthier planet. Plant a tree, reduce waste, conserve water, and embrace sustainable living. Remember, our actions today shape the world of tomorrow. Let's unite as eco-warriors, protecting our environment for future generations. Your efforts, no matter how small, contribute to a larger, greener cause. Let's inspire each other and create a ripple effect of positive change.

Save Water

By conserving water, we protect our ecosystems, reduce energy use, and ensure clean water for all. Let's make water conservation a daily habit and inspire others to do the same. Together, we can create a sustainable world where water is respected and preserved.


Team member


Complete project


Winning award


Client review


"Turn Waste into Resources!"

Plastic waste is a major environmental challenge, but we can make a difference by recycling! By recycling plastics, we reduce pollution, conserve resources, and minimize landfill waste. Every plastic bottle, bag, and container we recycle helps create a cleaner, healthier planet.

Start by sorting our recyclables, using reusable bags, and choosing products with less plastic packaging. Encourage our friends and family to join the recycling movement. Remember, every piece of plastic recycled is a step towards a sustainable future.


Clients talk

"Green Choices for a Brighter Future"


Carbon Emissions Balancing

Balancing our carbon emissions is essential for combating climate change and protecting our planet for future generations. Every effort counts—whether it’s reducing energy consumption, supporting green technologies, or choosing sustainable products. Together, we can achieve a balanced, healthier environment.


"Less Sulphur, More Fresh Air!"

Imagine a world where every breath brings refreshment, where skies are clear and air is pure. By reducing sulphur emissions, we're not just improving air quality; we're safeguarding the health of our communities and preserving natural ecosystems.


Go Organic

Beyond food, going organic extends to embracing organic textiles, personal care products, and household items, ensuring that every aspect of our lives reflect a commitment to natural, eco-friendly practices. It's a decision that benefits both present and future generations, fostering a world where sustainable agriculture and responsible consumption are the norm.


"Ditch the Plastic, Save the Earth!"

Each reusable choice we make, from grocery bags to lunch containers, helps preserve our natural resources and prevents harmful plastics from polluting our oceans. Let's unite in rejecting disposable plastics and paving a path toward a sustainable future, where our ecosystems thrive and biodiversity flourishes.